An online group Mandarin class with Terry Waltz, a Comprehensible Input-based teacher and trainer. These are established advancing adult and older teen classes (16 and over, please) you may join as a non-beginner student. Class gives you access to the live sessions, recorded video and readings plus audio on a private Web site.
Current class times (all times are US Eastern time: please note possible seasonal daylight savings time difference with your home time zone):
This class assumes you have a firm grasp of the kind of language we cover in the first six modules of the "Zhongwen Bu Mafan!" series (approximately 60 hours of CI Chinese instruction). You should feel confident with basic questions and answers, descriptions, If you've taken a year of traditional (non-Comprehensible Input-based) Chinese class, you may find this a reasonably good fit. There is no homework or study required for this class, though many students find that reviewing the online materials between sessions helps them to feel more confident about the language.
In this class, we do a variety of activities designed to increase your Mandarin vocabulary and your ability to correctly use and understand Mandarin grammar. These might include shared readings in characters (both Simplified and Traditional character sets), conversations and discussions about various topics, glances at the Chinese press and current events, and co-creation of narratives.
These classes are ongoing. Paypal invoices are sent to active class members every eight weeks. You will make your first payment above when registering for the class; your second eight-week session will be paid through a Paypal invoice sent to you.
About the Teacher
Terry has been teaching Mandarin through Comprehensible Input since 2000. She was not only one of the first teachers to use this brain-friendly methodology for Mandarin, she has also made substantial original contributions to practice, including Directional Gestures, the Cold Character literacy method, and Tonally Orthographic Pinyin (TOP) romanization.
Beginning with no Chinese experience as a college student, Terry built her proficiency in Mandarin Chinese sufficiently to become a qualified simultaneous interpreter for US Department of State cabinet-level events and to perform highly technical translations in nuclear engineering, environmental science and medicine for hundreds of private and governmental clients.