Everyone should have a bucket list, but when your particular bucket happens to be the trash can, getting through your to-dos and into the affections of the girl you like can be tough. Will Tom's strategy and the items on his list be enough to overcome the fact that in tennis, love is zero? "Tom" is an easy Chinese reader intended for students with approximately a year of Chinese study. It emphasizes the highest-frequency words and structures and contains 369 unique Chinese characters. A full glossary and overleaf Pinyin support let new readers read independently. "Tom" fits between "Susan you mafan!" and "Josh Duyiwuer" in this series of easy readers by Terry Waltz.
Want a class set? Use discount code TomForClasses for savings on 25 copies or more, or if you need fewer, try TomForGroups for 10 copies or more. (If you are buying more than one reader ["Milo", "Susan", "Tom", "Josh", "Kaleo"] in quantity, you may need to make separate transactions to get the coupon to apply to all your books, since the shopping cart will only take one coupon.)
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