What will Mavis do for love? Well, a lot...but she won't do that! Or will she? A celebrity crush story with a twist, underlining how everyone is special, whether they happen to be a teen heartthrob or not! A subtle feminist or at least non-princessy message with lots of high-frequency, important vocabulary.
A simple but unpredictably-repetitive read for new readers of Spanish. Most books for emergent readers of Spanish are designed for a native-speaking emergent reader age group (3-6 years of age) and so can be poorly accepted by older learners who want to think about more interesting things, but who still need very simple language.
This book focuses on "likes/doesn't like" and some words for describing personal appearance. There's lots of simple but high-frequency language to spark personalized discussion and interaction with students, as well as to prompt their own written output after they read it -- all by themselves.